Children’s proposals for grownups

The prime issue for children is the lack of communication in school, followed by violence – psychological rather than physical. Their chief demand is for rules based on mutual respect. For teachers, the children propose: 1. Training for teachers in child adolescent psychology and how to conduct dialogue in the classroom. 2. A regular communication hour in every secondary school class with a trained teacher who would see each pupil for at least 10 minutes every school year. 3. A psychologist to help them talk to teachers about particular subjects. Moschos said children often talk to the Ombudsman about problems or abuse at home. Parental attitudes are crucial. Sensitive parents go to the school to help, while violent and neglectful parents never do. For parents, the children propose: 1. Parental training in the workplace. 2. Good educational programs on public and private television for parents and teachers. 3. Senior high school lessons in parenting.

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