Theater-goers are ready for renewal

It may give rise to a kind of hope. It may be a form of reaction. I hope people are fed up with ready-made food and the predictable. When I presented «The Oresteia» in Germany, I saw the audience watch for five hours, like sponges, soaking up a language they hadn’t heard for years. And they appreciated it. When I was an actress in Zurich, I did experimental work with Martaler, a choreographer and a musician. We started mixing up the various arts and they threw us out of Zurich, for some reason. I think that mixing up the arts is the future, The other side is what we saw recently at Epidaurus [Beckett’s «Happy Days» with Fiona Shaw], old-style theater. Trust the actors, their interpretation and the play. I call that classical style: You watch the play, no interventions, no video, nothing. There’s a chance theater as a whole will be renewed. I firmly believe it. Otherwise I’ll commit suicide, tomorrow!

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