From drawing board to the Gulf of Corinth

1960-1970: First documented studies on the Rio-Antirio link published. 1977: Patras University holds international conference to establish requirements based on the area’s high seismic activity, sea depth and difficult substructure. 1980: International competition announced, but proposals did not conform to construction standards. 1987: Second international competition announced, but submissions from five consortia rejected. The competition was canceled in 1987. 1991: The Public Works Ministry sets in motion the procedure for a third competition. Of the seven original proposals, only that of Gefyra SA was accepted. 1995: Gefyra is named provisional contractor. 1996: Gefyra signs contract with the Greek State, the European Investment Bank and commercial banks led by the Bank of America and Bank of Tokyo Mitsubishi. December 24, 1997: Contract comes into effect and countdown begins for the project’s completion, expected by December 24, 2004.

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