The summit was not a failure. We won because we didn’t lose. There was a danger that things could have become worse, but this was averted thanks to the intervention of some national delegations. For example, thanks to Ethiopia, we avoided having sustainability judged by the criterion of trade. Before the Johannesburg summit there was a judges’ summit, where we said that what we had raised in Rio was the maximum and that the issue now was not to go back on that. The role of policymaking is over; from now on, it is a question of taking action. That is the job of administrators, above all, the courts, which should enforce that action. We are not fighting for change, so we don’t need policy, we are fighting to have the law implemented and the global law is that of sustainability. Politicans make laws that are contrary to the principles of sustainability. We should rule these laws unconstitutional. If infringements are made, there are organizations that will report them and we will abolish them. The slogan from now on is implementation and imposition. I think the most important thing is for people to be ready and willing. It is the people who have the power, so if they are disillusioned, the game is lost.

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