Time to untangle ourselves

The government seems to have come to a standstill and is unable to coordinate its efforts or to produce and implement policy. Meanwhile, though, the clock is ticking for Greece and we have not time to lose, but our politicians appear oblivious to the pressures the country is under.

It is ludicrous for Greece to expect salvation from the European Union leaders? summit on March 24-25 when the only way it can be saved is if the government does it job by wasting no time in moving ahead with reforms and by stopping the waste and chaos in the state mechanism. When we say the government, meanwhile, we don?t mean just a handful of ministers, but the entire government and all state officials.

The country has reached another impasse because the prime minister, on the one hand, cannot decide with whom and how he should govern, while his ministers, on the other, refuse to coordinate between their departments or don?t like to rock the boat. In the meantime, the clock keeps ticking, and the time for decisions is well upon us.

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