Recovery plan needs to cut deeper

Finally, the government has decided to go ahead with a bold privatization plan that will harm no one except certain worker union leaders and suppliers who have learned to survive on state funding alone.

Toward achieving this goal, the PASOK government needs to make an ally of New Democracy as the leader of the main opposition party, Antonis Samaras, has spoken in favor of privatizations.

The problem, of course, is that the government, yet again, appears hesitant or even scared to thrust the knife even deeper, to shut down useless state organizations and cut down staff numbers in areas of the state structure where there is a surplus.

Greece?s deficit is too large to be brought under control by introducing new taxes. The only way to curb it is to significantly pare down the size of the bureaucracy and to make a concerted effort to bring what it costs to run under tight control.

Greece finds itself literally on the edge of destruction and its political leaders should be treating the decision-making process as they would in a time of war.

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