EU ire is only natural

A sign of the worsening sentiment toward Greece on the part of our European Union peers is that fact that among those officials and politicians judging the cash-strapped country most harshly are several who just a few months ago appeared to be the greatest champions of a bailout agreement for Greece.

Why have the country?s former ?friends? changed their stance so suddenly?

If we think about it at some length and reflect on the events of the past few months, we will see that people like Eurogroup President Jean-Claude Juncker and German Finance Minister Wolfgang Schaeuble have spent a significant amount of their political capital on behalf of Greece. The Greek government, meanwhile, has not upheld its promises to its foreign creditors and is once more asking for a ?political? solution to the crisis. When our ?friends? see this behavior, they naturally become enraged.

The only way to reverse this trend of anger and incredulity is for the government to at last put into action its promises and decisions, however painful this process may be.

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