No to blind violence

Attacks against public figures, be they politicians being heckled or artists having objects thrown at them during performances, represent a threat to our democracy.

Protests and expressions of displeasure are a fundamental part of the function of any democracy, but the gangs that organize attacks against politicians, artists or anyone else with whom they disagree is fascist behavior that cannot be justified by any amount of indignation toward the status quo.

If society as a whole does not react to these phenomena of violence soon, it is almost certain that they will become more frequent and more vehement, leading to a kind of chaos that will be extremely difficult to curb. Neither the parties of the left nor any other political power should be allowed to cover up for these gangs or egg them on in their agenda of extreme populism.

Greece has suffered many ordeals in the past and the older generation knows all too well what it means to be in a civil conflict, what uncontrolled violence can lead to. We cannot allow the champions of aggression and mass chaos to push us toward a similar ordeal ever again.

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