In search of mature leadership

In the next few days, both ahead of and after the June 17 general election, it is imperative that the leaders of all Greek political parties act responsibly and display maturity.

The rest of the world is watching and many have already formed a rather negative, stereotyped opinion of this country and its inhabitants.

At the same time, Greeks are immensely distressed and finds themselves in a state of major uncertainty and nervousness.

Every single statement and every single move made by our politicians from now on ought to be very careful and measured to avoid dealing the final blow to Greek banks, the tourist industry and the psychology of the market — or whatever is left of it.

On the day after the election, Greece will be in desperate need of some tranquillity and stability. This is why, no matter what the outcome of the ballot turns out to be, the leaders of all principal political parties will have to be particularly careful and finally realize how important this period really is.

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