June 7-9, 1953
ANTI-COLONIAL STRUGGLE: The following statement has been issued by the Athens bureau of the ethnarch of Cyprus: «According to additional news reports from Cyprus, last Tuesday, June 2, there was a major clash between Greek pupils and police, backed up by British soldiers, in the town of Paphos. The school pupils, in repeated attacks with stones and wooden clubs, prevented a school celebration marking the coronation of Queen Elizabeth II of Great Britain. All the British flags in the town were lowered and the Greek flag was raised on the school flagpole. During the clash, the regional governor of Paphos was seriously injured, as were four police officers and a British soldier. Others sustained lesser injuries. Many pupils were also injured, one of them seriously. OFF TO LONDON: The naval chief of staff, Vice Admiral Lappas, left by air yesterday for London. Lappas will board the anti-torpedo vessel Navarino, which is already in Britain, and which will participate in the review by Queen Elizabeth of British and foreign warships, within the framework of the ceremonies for her coronation. ORESTIS KANELLIS: Art lovers will be interested to know that a large album containing 10 drawings by the distinguished artist Orestis Kanellis, all on the theme of the lives of children, has just been published.