Business community needs to take a more active role

The role being played in the public arena by the Greek business community is grossly inadequate given the dire economic climate and the massive challenges that the country is facing.

The public of this crisis-hit country expects the business community to seize the initiative and point the way toward a new manner of doing business that is not dependent on state subsidies and handouts, and that will lead to real growth, which is key to Greece’s recovery.

What it is getting instead from representatives of the private sector, however, is a lot of complaining and never-ending political chatter.

It appears that politicians are not Greece’s only problem and are not alone in their lack of dynamism and vision.

The business community that represents the healthiest and most dynamic sectors of the economy, and society, needs to step it up and serve as a useful role in the public arena and in the public debate regarding where the country is headed and how it will be saved.

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