50 Years Ago Today

FRONTAL ASSAULT: Yesterday’s repeat vote at the UN Security Council once again resulted in a stalemate. Greece did not manage to get the minimum 40 votes required to beat the other candidate country Byelorussia, despite the seven rounds of voting. It merely improved its position and moved ahead by eight votes. Another 25 members of the UN, including six communist states, that is 19 states that do not belong to the Soviet alliance, but rather follow the policies of the Western world and embrace the general principles of freedom, voted against Greece. (…) Either for reasons of expediency or in order to flirt with the Red totalitarian system, they insulted Greece to its face. INGRATITUDE: The community of Aghios Dimitrios, in Evrytania, is protesting because although its residents fought against the communist outlaws alongside the army, sacrificing their children in the process, and returned to their homes one and a half years ago, not one of their homes has been rebuilt and their appeals to the authorities in Karpenisi have gone unanswered. The people in the community, who are living in tents and in the ruins of their homes, are appealing to the government to do something as quickly as possible.

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