December 11, 1954
REPLY TO EDEN: (Front-page commentary in Kathimerini): «British Foreign Secretary Anthony Eden has spoken out against the Greek radio network because it is broadcasting news and commentaries on the Cyprus issue in a spirit that is «not friendly to England.» However, if he was aware of what was being broadcast, he would have observed that the spirit of the broadcasts was neither hostile nor friendly, but simply objective. The radio programs do not have their own policy but they express, by reporting the views of the press, politicians and academics, the opinion of the nation.» BRITISH LIBERALS: London, 11 – The Liberal Party protested today over Great Britain’s treatment of Cyprus and asked for partial self-government for the colony. (…) It asks that the Cypriot Constitution now being drafted ensure that the rights of all sectors of the community be respected and that powers be given to a democratically elected Cypriot government on all issues affecting the island apart from foreign policy and defense, and to eventually decide on the island’s future regime.