April 9, 1955

CYPRIOT STRUGGLE: Nicosia, 8 – The Cypriots are continuing their struggle to liberate their island from the colonial yoke of Great Britain despite the terrorism of the British authorities that has been growing day by day. Today there were clashes with pupils at Greek high schools, who staged a strike over the arrest of some of their fellow pupils by the British police. Many striking students gathered, bearing aloft Greek flags in the square in front of Nicosia’s archbishopric, chanting «Long Live Union (with Greece),» «Shame on the British» and «EOKA-EOKA.» After ringing the bells of the cathedral of Aghios Ioannis for some time and singing the Greek national anthem they tried to hold a demonstration, but the police broke it up by force. Other groups of pupils (…) walked down the main roads shouting «Down with the prisons» and «Release the students from prison.» DEMONSTRATIONS IN GREECE: Schoolchildren staged demonstrations for Cyprus on the island of Rhodes that ended in a bloody clash with the police in front of the British Consulate. Two were seriously injured and another 20 slightly injured. Students at tertiary colleges are to hold a rally today in Omonia Square in Athens, despite a police ban.

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