JANUARY 27-28, 1952

GEORGE PAPANDREOU: From an article by George Papandreou in Kathimerini titled «National Security:» «The country’s armed forces exist to defend national security. The Communist Party of Greece (KKE) and its fellow travelers are domestic enemies (…). We praise the security forces that discovered the KKE’s secret radio transmitters and the means for its illegal conspiracy. But the government (of Nikolaos Plastiras-Sophocles Venizelos) arrests a few people with its right hand and releases many more with its left (…). The government’s plan, the euphemistically termed selective bill on ‘peace measures’ constitutes a complete overthrow of judicial power and undermines national security. Parliament should throw it out.» RELEASE OF EXILES: The passenger ferry Ionian yesterday morning brought 118 more inmates from (the penal settlement on the island of) Aghios Efstratios, who have been granted «leave» by (the Interior Minister) Mr Rendis. FOOD SHORTAGE: Over the past week there was a serious shortage of fresh fish in the food markets of Athens, Piraeus and the suburbs. Fish was being sold secretly at exorbitant prices. Potatoes are still being sold at about 2,500-3,500 drachmas according to quality and place of origin

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