
This definitely is something new. Television, according to a study released by the London School of Economics recently, is not only harmless, it can even benefit people because it encourages social relations. It is a medium where people meet and share their thoughts and feelings. (In other words, we have become so alienated that we can only communicate via television.)… Our social ties become stronger, more genuine and substantial if we watch television, the British researchers argue (however, «Survivor,» «Big Brother» and similar programs teach you that you have to eliminate others in order to win through). Moreover, we are in no danger from its potentially negative consequences, they say, so long as we maintain a critical attitude toward the programs we are watching. We can always turn off our TV set or switch to another channel. (But how are we going to establish the social relations that television promises if we switch it off?) No, it is not easy to escape unaffected by the baseness, the stupidity, and the vulgarity of television, repulsive or ridiculous as the case may be. Little by little, the television message reaches even the indifferent or critical recipient. And there is only one message: This is the world you live in. An evil, perverse, foolish, filthy, trivial, and rotten world…

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