MARCH 13, 1952

ACTING PRIME MINISTER: Prime Minister Nikolaos Plastiras, who is ill, yesterday said he would delegate his duties to Deputy Prime Minister Sophocles Venizelos, subsequently enacted by Royal Decree. GREEK CHILDREN I: United Nations (New York), 11- Greece has asked the Soviet Union to accept the possibility that it may also have children abducted from Greece in its own work camps. It is known that there are Greek children in Russia as well as in its satellite states. GREEK CHILDREN II: Thessaloniki, 11- On Friday or Saturday another 71 abducted children are expected to be returned from Yugoslavia, arriving at Thessaloniki railway station. They will be housed at the Papheios orphanage until they are claimed by their parents. Most of them are from Western Macedonia. EMILIOS RIADIS: (From a review by Minos Dounias of a publication by the Athens French Institute of the St John Chrysostomos Liturgy as adapted by Emilios Riadis, 1886-1935) «(…) Riadis has adapted a number of Greek melodies, strongly influenced by the mentality of the French Impressionist school, where he studied under Debussy and Ravel. (…) However, the composer of the Liturgy of St John Chrysosotomos is an excellent European musician and we are certainly proud that he is a Greek.»

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