November 9, 1956

SOVIET INTERVENTION: New York, 5 – Developments in the triple attack on Egypt by Britain, France and Israel are becoming more dramatic, threatening to become fateful for the future of humanity. The Soviet government last night warned Britain and France that they would face a threat from a «stronger power» if they refused to end the war in Egypt. The Soviet prime minister, Field Marshal Nikolai Bulganin, calling the attack a «barbaric act,» asked, «Where would your country be if it were subjected to an attack from other, stronger nations having at their disposal all modern means of destruction and moreover the ability to bring the war onto your territory not by air or sea, but by other means – specifically missiles?» SOVIET OPPRESSION: Paris, 5 – The red steamroller (the Soviet army) has crushed the freedoms which the Hungarian people enjoyed only a few days ago. This brief interlude of freedom for the Hungarians has been drowned in rivers of blood and crushed under piles of ruins, the consequence of the inhuman action by the Soviet tanks and red air force on Sunday morning (November 4) in Budapest and the rest of Hungary.

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