November 25, 1956

GREECE AND SUEZ: United Nations, New York, 24 – The UN General Assembly today continued with a debate on the situation in the Middle East. The Greek Minister Grigoris Kasimatis emphasized that «we must reiterate to the invaders that they must leave Egypt immediately… Their departure is a prerequisite for a solution to the Suez Canal problem, which should be examined within the framework of an unconditional recognition of Egyptian sovereignty over the canal.» Kasimatis added that Greece was interested in the Suez problem because its merchant marine was larger than those of certain greater powers. KARAMANLIS AGAINST COLONIALISM: United Nations, New York, 22 – (From special Kathimerini correspondent V.A. Spanopoulou) In his speech to the UN General Assembly, Greek Prime Minister Constantine Karamanlis said: «The end of the second [World War] did not bring with it more freedom or greater justice to the peoples who fought in them… Colonialism, the exploitation of one nation by another, continues… The liberation of any subjugated people is the duty of every free nation. The Cypriot people… have the right to decide their future freely.»

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