April 28, 1959

COLD WAR: London, 22 – The government of the Soviet Union has sent a strongly worded message to the United States, emphasizing that its arming of West Germany with missiles, as well as its installation of military bases in other countries in Europe (referring specifically to Germany, Italy, Greece and Turkey) is a threat to the success of a foreign ministers’ meeting in Geneva and a not-yet-scheduled summit meeting. GEORGIOS PAPANDREOU: Yesterday’s report that Georgios Papandreou has decided to form his own political party has been confirmed. The official announcement will appear in tomorrow’s printed press, along with the name of the new party, which, according to rumor, is to be called the Liberal Democratic Party. All does not bode well for the new party for, although the current situation should favor it, it is doubtful whether the various centrist parties and groups will agree to join it or even have it lead a united national opposition front. MARGOT FONTEYN: Panama City, 22 – The British dancer Margot Fonteyn was released from custody today after being held for 24 hours on charges of taking part in a conspiracy against the government of Panama. Fonteyn has reportedly been ordered to leave the country immediately.

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