Students show moderation
The results of the university student elections are ample proof that the power wielded by a small minority of extremist elements is much less than imagined, considering their ability to close down entire universities. The fact that the parties affiliated with these groups did not succeed in increasing their percentage of support among the student body also proves that the widespread riots of last December did not reflect any deeper sense of reaction or radicalization among the country’s youth. The vast majority of the student body is obviously not interested in political parties nor does it participate in the kind of extremist action that we have seen over the past few months. What most university students seem to be interested in is an improvement in the standards of education and, more importantly, being able to secure a decent job in the future. Hopefully, the larger parties will heed the message that has emerged from the student polls and it will teach them not to bow down to the blackmail of the small extremist elements active within the country’s universities.