March 1, 1960

RODOPOULOS IN USA: Washington, 25 – Greek Parliament Speaker Constantine Rodopoulos, accompanied by Greek Ambassador to the United States Alexis S. Liatis, met this morning with US Vice-President Richard Nixon for a quarter-hour meeting. Nixon recalled his trip to Greece in 1947 as a member of a congressional committee during the war against the outlaws, when he visited the Greek border areas. He also recalled that he had been among the first Americans to take part in drafting the American aid program to Greece and emphasized that, during his visit, he had observed the Greeks’ desire not to submit to communist pressure and to defeat the Red invasion. VIENO JOHANNES SUKSELAINEN: The Prime Minister of Finland Vieno Johannes Sukselainen arrived in Athens yesterday en route from Cairo to Helsinki after an unofficial two-day visit. COST OF LIVING: According to an announcement by the Greek General Confederation of Labor (GSEE), the cost of basic requirements for a family of four with only one parent employed and with two children in school is 2,860.70 drachmas a month, though the average-wage unskilled worker makes a salary of just 1,187 drachmas.

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