Gov’t must remain steadfast

Should the government yield to pressure from organized union movements or social groups who are reacting to the austerity measures, it is certain to open a Pandora’s box that would throw the country into complete disarray. The only way for the government to succeed in imposing the stability plan and get the Greek economy back on the right track toward recovery is if it presents a strong and unified front against all demands and protests. It is only natural for ministers to succumb to the temptation and the occasional need to give a little here and there, to make separate agreements on the sidelines of the programs and back down on some of the harsher measures. But it is the duty of the prime minister and his deputies to coordinate the implementation of the stability program and to try to control such instances of backsliding as much as possible. If the government backs down to one group now, a tidal wave will follow and no one will accept the needed measures.

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