Mitsotakis concerned over name of North Macedonia

Mitsotakis concerned over name of North Macedonia

In the wake of the nationalist VMRO electoral victory in North Macedonia, Prime Minister Kyriakos Mitsotakis said on Saturday that he is following with “concern some of the statements made by party officials” regarding their pledges not to honor the Prespa name agreement of 2018 that settled the dispute with Greece over the country’s name.

“I will wait for the official position of the acting prime minister to see how [new Prime Minister Hristijan Mickoski] will refer to the name of his country. I personally disagreed with the Prespa Agreement… Despite my disagreement, I had to respect it,” Mitsotakis said in an interview with Alpha TV on Saturday.

“The same demands exist now from the leadership of North Macedonia. I want to hope that what was heard before the election will not be heard after the election. If that happens, we will have issues,” he noted. 

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