Golden Dawn leader, second-in-command refuse to answer charges [Update]

Golden Dawn leader Nikos Michaloliakos and his second-in-command Christos Pappas refused to answer magistrates’ questions on Friday, instead submitting written depositions dismissing the additional charges of illegal weapons’ possession brought against them as “groundless,” according to sources.

A third GD lawmaker, Yiannis Lagos, was expected to take a similar position in his testimony. The three were to be returned later in the day to Korydallos Prison, where they are in custody pending trial on charges of running a criminal organization.

Golden Dawn supporters gathered outside the Athens Appeals Court complex on Friday morning to protest the detention of the party’s leader and MPs. Some of the protesters clashed with police who fired tear gas to disperse them and two photo journalists suffered minor injuries after being kicked and punched by unidentified protesters.

On Thursday GD’s spokesman Ilias Kasidiaris and another MP, Nikos Michos, were given extra time to prepare their defense on charges of illegal weapons possession. Michos is to answer to the charges next Wednesday and Kasidiaris on Thursd

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