
Civil Protection Minister Vassilis Kikilias struck a somber tone last week when he appeared on our television screens saying that the Fire Service and the police were in possession of camera footage showing an arsonist setting fire to dried brush in eastern Attica. He also claimed that the footage would be made public.

11.06.2024 / 23:01

There are two definite conclusions from Sunday’s European elections. Ruling New Democracy (ND) lost big and nationalist, pro-Russian Greek Solution won big.

30.05.2024 / 21:00

What the Interior Ministry said in its announcement regarding the independent investigation into the leak of the emails of dozens of overseas Greeks was true.

24.04.2024 / 21:15

At 0.165% of gross domestic product, Greece’s official contribution to developing countries puts it third from last among the members of the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development.

08.04.2024 / 14:46

Far-right pundits persistently raise the question: What would have ensued if the police officer stationed at the Agioi Anargyroi police station had intervened with his firearm to halt the man who murdered his ex-partner?

31.03.2024 / 12:30

The Kasselakis saga would not have existed if SYRIZA – not the party in its present shape, but the old, orthodox one – had done its job properly when putting together its ballot for the last national elections or even during the vote for a new party leader.

16.03.2024 / 20:09

We don’t know what happened in the trial concerning the ordeals of the Athens child who was sexually abused and exploited, as the hearing was held behind closed doors.

04.03.2024 / 18:29

The prime minister recently announced that a scientific committee has been put together to design a “national strategy for preventing and managing juvenile violence and delinquency.”

04.02.2024 / 21:38

What has come to light about the children’s charity Ark of the World and very recently about the Social Kitchen – the Other Person is horrible, but let’s wait until justice decides.

27.01.2024 / 19:44

Greece is certainly grappling with greedflation, as exemplified by the exorbitant price of infant formula. The same multinational companies charge Greeks three times more than shoppers in Sweden for the exact same product.

13.01.2024 / 21:15

Back when Greece was still using the drachma as it currency, there was a bakery on downtown Athens’ Kaningos Square that didn’t sell bread, but just made it.

12.01.2024 / 10:01

We have not witnessed such confusion since 1952, when Georgios Papandreou ran as a candidate MP with the Ellinikos Synagermos (Greek Rally) party of Field Marshal Alexandros Papagos.

19.12.2023 / 21:06

Those who live in the periphery (the politically correct term for country folk) experience the problems and anxiety of small farmers, small business owners and owners of summer homes to find workers for odd jobs. The Albanians, who in the 1990s built half of Greece and greatly contributed to the miracle of economic development in […]