SYRIZA condemns Israel’s bombardment of Rafah, criticizes Greek gov’t for its ‘deafening silence’

SYRIZA condemns Israel’s bombardment of Rafah, criticizes Greek gov’t for its ‘deafening silence’

Main opposition party SYRIZA released a statement on Monday condemning Israel’s continued bombardment of the Gaza Strip.

The attack on the southern Rafah border crossing in Gaza on Monday killed nearly 100 Palestinian civilians, the main opposition party highlighted.

SYRIZA expressed its “deep concern over the rapidly deteriorating humanitarian crisis at the Gaza Strip” and noted that “the condemnable actions of Hamas do not justify in any way the violation of international humanitarian law which maintains the vicious cycle of blood and violence.”

The party condemned what it called the “continuing and deafening silence of the government that is limited to repeating the need for a ‘prolonged cessation of hostilities’ and for ‘de-escalation of the crisis’.”

On the contrary, it said, SYRIZA is “consistently expressing its solidarity for the much-suffering Palestinian people, underlining the need to support United Nations efforts for the immediate ceasefire in Gaza, the end of the humanitarian crisis, the return of Israeli hostages, and the immediate restart of credible talks on the Palestinian issue, based on the 1967 borders, for the resolution of two states living peacefully, with East Jerusalem as the capital of Palestine.”


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