Greek state’s chief legal council to examine report of German WWI reparations

The president of the Greek State’s Legal Council, Fokinas Georgakopoulos, on Tuesday received from Foreign Minister Dimitris Avramopoulos a report published on Sunday which suggests that Greece is owed 162 billion euros in World War II reparations from Berlin.

Georgakopoulos will be examining the report, which was drafted by a team of experts in the Finance Ministry and leaked by To Vima newspaper on Sunday, when it was also picked up by German magazine Der Spiegel.

He will deliberate on the legality of the claims and submit a report to the government.

According to the report experts found that Germany should pay Greece 108 billion euros for damage to infrastructure and 54 billion euros for a loan that the Nazi occupation forces obliged Greece to take in order to pay Berlin during the war.

The reparations are equivalent to about 80 percent of Greek gross domestic product.

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