Greeks still have to be convinced

The image of a person shut away in his home in front of a computer screen still seems a long way off in Greece. Although the digital gap between Greeks and other Europeans is decreasing rapidly – within a year, use of the Internet has increased by 10 percentage points to 19.3 percent, and the use of personal computers to 67 percent – only 10 percent of Greeks have carried out any kind of transaction online, according to a European Commission report. In Britain, this percentage is 50 percent, and the European average stands at about 35.6 percent. According to another survey, over 20 percent of Greek online customers find shopping by the Internet complicated, cannot find the products and services they want or do not have enough information about the products or services they are searching for. At the moment, however, as shown by a recent survey carried out by EFG Eurobank Ergasias, the most popular products and services sold via the Internet in Greece are finance and insurance, followed by computers and software, gifts, music and video discs, books, electrical equipment, sporting goods, office supplies and tourism.

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