Police union decries attack on Acropolis precinct

Police union decries attack on Acropolis precinct

The Union of Attica Police Employees has condemned an attack on a police station in downtown Athens with an announcement that accuses the Citizens' Protection Ministry of failing to curb “sundry troublemakers.”

“We have long sounded the alarm over the unrestrained activities of sundry troublemakers, and every time, those in charge try to sweep the problem under the carpet and say we are exaggerating,” the union said in its announcement late on Sunday.

“We call on those 'in charge' to protect and defend police officers so that they can protect society,” it added.

The announcement came after a group of some 40 assailants dressed in carnival costumes launched at least four Molotov cocktails at the Acropolis police precinct, damaging the building's facade, two squad cars and an adjacent bakery. No injuries were reported.

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