ND projected to achieve double-digit win over SYRIZA, according to final exit poll

ND projected to achieve double-digit win over SYRIZA, according to final exit poll

Greece’s New Democracy opposition was predicted to achieve a double-digit victory over SYRIZA leftists in Sunday’s snap election, according to the final results of a joint exit poll by five private TV stations.

New Democracy was on course to win 38.5-41.5 percent of the vote, the exit poll showed while SYRIZA would trail with 27-30 percent in second place.

The center-left Movement for Change (KINAL) alliance would get 6.5-8 percent, ahead of the Greek Communist Party (KKE), which is projected to win between 5 and 6 percent.

MeRA25, the anti-austerity party founded by former finance minister Yanis Varoufakis would win 3-4 percent, according to the poll while neo-fascist Golden Dawn was seen collecting between 2.8 percent and 3.8 percent of the vote.

The populist nationalist Greek Solution (Elliniki Lysi) was projected to win between 2.8 percent and 3.5 percent, while the Union of Centrists and Sailing for Freedom were both projected to miss the 3-percent threshold for entering Parliament, the exit poll showed.

The result was expected to hand Mitsotakis an outright majority with 155-167 seats in the 300-seat legislative house. Meanwhile, estimates saw SYRIZA at between 77-82 seats, KINAL at 19-22 and KKE at 16-19. MeRA25 was seen clinching between eight and 14 seats, while Golden Dawn and Greek Solution were ranging from zero to 13.

“Greece has signalled to Europe that it is time to put populism behind us,” ND MP Anna Michelle  Asimakopoulou said.

Meanwhile, speaking to ERT state broadcaster SYRIZA’s Panos Skourletis appeared to concede defeat.

“We have a clear victory for New Democracy. We will wait to see how they will utilize it,” he said.

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