50 Years Ago Today

GREECE-TURKEY-NATO: Ottawa, 19 – (From our correspondent A.A. Antonakakis) The simultaneous approval of the accession of Greece and Turkey to NATO was secured today (Wednesday), ending the dramatic, temporary postponement that had given rise to so much concern. The Danish representative announced that his country’s foreign minister had received instructions from his government to support the accession of both countries without reservation. According to sources at the conference, due to the agenda for the talks, the decisions on the issue by the Atlantic Council will be taken tomorrow (Thursday), when a full debate will be held. EDA VOTES: Representatives of the United Democratic Left (EDA) yesterday visited Prime Minister Sophocles Venizelos and asked for the immediate release of the elected deputies of the extreme left who have been exiled (to islands). Venizelos rejected their demand, saying that the question could only be resolved by the relevant judicial authorities. (…) MELINA: According to a telegram from Paris, Melina Mercouri, who arrived there on Monday (September 17) has begun rehearsals for a play, scheduled to open on November 15, in which the Greek actress is to make a guest appearance. This much-needed analysis… will be bypassed if the European political elites follow the logic of providing uncritical support for blind military strikes and massive restrictions on those individual freedoms that also happen to constitute one of the fundamental differences between the Western democracies and the theocratic or totalitarian regimes…

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