Korydallos ‘escape’ is foiled

Prison officials at maximum security Korydallos Prison in western Athens said yesterday that they had prevented a suspected breakout attempt less than two weeks after two convicts escaped in a helicopter that landed in the compound. Guards noticed during a patrol late on Saturday night that the iron bars covering the window of a cell appeared to have been tampered with. It seemed as if someone had used a file to saw through the bars, prison officials said. The cell was located in the A wing of the prison, where convicts serving long-term sentences are held. The find prompted guards to issue a general alarm in the prison amid fears that a breakout was being planned. Armed guards were positioned on the watchtowers surrounding the prison. The three prisoners, all foreign nationals, who were being held in the cell in question said they did not tamper with the bars. For security reasons, they were moved to different cells in another wing of the prison, officials said. The prisoners could face criminal charges today.

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