Questions restart on boy’s death

The five children alleged to have confessed to being involved in the death of 11-year-old Alex Meshivili in Veria, northern Greece, were questioned by police for a third time yesterday as officers began a new round of investigations into the boy’s disappearance. Two schoolboys of Albanian origin testified before police in Veria yesterday in the presence of their parents. Two Greek brothers and a Romanian boy alleged to have been involved in Alex’s death were questioned in the presence of their families’ lawyers. During their first questioning by police in Thessaloniki, the five boys allegedly admitted they chased and tripped Alex who died after hitting his head on the ground. The schoolboys said they then hid his body. The boys then told Veria police that they had made up the story so officers would stop bothering them but two of the youngsters insist some parts of what they said were true. A prosecutor in Veria has demanded that the boys be examined by a child psychologist to help determine if they are telling the truth.

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