Police hunt SUV shooter

Police in Athens were yesterday looking for a black SUV with tinted windows after a vehicle matching this description was spotted at the scene of three apparently random shootings this week. Officers believe that the same person shot all three victims even though there is no known link between them. The first shootings occurred on Monday in Votanikos, near the city center, and Moschato, in southern Athens, when a Bulgarian man riding a bicycle was shot in the leg and a 57-year-old Greek man was struck in the chest. A CCTV camera recorded the latter shooting but officers could not make out the details of the car. Also on Monday, the gunman, who witnesses said has long hair, is also suspected of trying to shoot a female pedestrian in Moschato but missing the target. On Tuesday night, a 47-year-old woman was shot in the stomach in the central district of Kolonos and was hospitalized with serious injuries.

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