The law cannot be negotiated
Greece cannot and should not enter negotiations with individuals or groups that are in violation of the country?s laws, who take over public buildings and then, in the manner of blackmail, make demands for concessions that are obviously outside the bounds of the law.
We refer here to the group of migrants who initially took over the Athens Law School in late January and now, at the encouragement of certain extreme left-wing elements, have been staying at another building to which they were moved temporarilly and are demanding that they are granted new residence permits.
It will be a grave error if the government enters into negotiations with these protesters and gives in to their demands as this will set a precedent for thousands of other illegal immigrants and compell them to take over any public building they want in order to get their respective demands met.
The law of the land applies to everyone without exception, and it cannot be ignored or pushed aside because of blackmail or pressure.