The hype won?t cut it this time

The developing situation in view of the upcoming election battle is both dangerous and troubling.

A great number of the country?s politicians are now talking and behaving as if the risk of a Greek bankruptcy and eurozone exit has completely subsided.

They give the impression that following the completion of the resturcturing of Greek debt, no extra painful measures will be required in the near future.

It is highly unlikely that they are unaware of the truth, of what the fiscal adjustment program entails and the kind of intentions that our partners and creditors have.

One thing is certain: They can no longer fool the voters or the international powers that are keeping a close eye on the country.

Secret promises and the politics of self-delusion are dangerous, something which was incontestably proved by the high price Greeks paid for believing former Prime Minister George Papandreou when he uttered the now-infamous phrase: ?The money is there.?

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