Better late than never?
All of a sudden everyone – the Greek state, society, the justice system, the police and the media – seem to be moving much faster.
The death of a young lad in Keratsini, murdered by a man who was notified to go there and “take care” of things, after getting the nod – as it seems – from Golden Dawn officials, has acted as a thought provoker, a multiplier of feelings and a catalyst of decisions.
Anyone observing the situation closely had seen the monster a long time ago, had already heard the horrifying chant “Blood, honor, Golden Dawn,” and had issued their own warnings: When neo-Nazis cry for “blood” they care little about the blood purity of the race, they are demonstrating their thirst for blood. That’s why they organize an army.
They are not fooling around. Their fantasy is not enough.
Suddenly 32 dusty files documenting incidents involving Golden Dawn members and MPs have been discovered. Even the media seem to have woken up by publishing evidence which has shed light on the situation, despite its darkness, for all to see.
The question is what will Golden Dawn’s stance be from now on? Not in a political sense but in a national and cultural sense. Will these fanatics keep their foot on the accelerator?
And, as lovers of violence, will they cease to be proud of their actions, even when this involves replicating soccer penalties with the head of a beaten immigrant?
Our screens were flooded with images of brigades marching, their boots stomping, swastikas masquerading as meanders, and Nazi salutes. Our ears were battered by Michaloliakos-style bombast and knives being sharpened on sidewalks. We repeatedly heard the threats of the prejudiced fuhrer-lovers and their pronouncements that they are not a political party but a military organization.
Their aim? To expand Greece so it covers three continents. Until that can happen, they will satisfy themselves with terrorizing the “enemy within.” They do this with their bats and knives, and with the training they offer to their brigades, which include serving army officers. They also enjoy the protection and active cooperation of police officers. This is something that all those who now pretend to be surprised already knew.
“Better late than never” does not apply in this case. After all, what is “better” about being killed?