Constitution review a test for all parties

The remarks last week by conservative Prime Minister Costas Karamanlis that his government intends to begin a review of the Greek Constitution next year touched upon an issue of major significance for the nation. There is little doubt that certain aspects of the constitution are begging for urgent renewal as they hinder the much-needed modernization of other crucial sectors. A well-studied redrafting of certain constitutional provisions will empower institutions that are crucial to the smooth functioning of Greece’s democratic system as well as strengthen the rule of law. At the same time, the move will provide a tonic for the country’s productive forces, which is a necessity for effective modernization – always within the European Union framework. The education sector, the judicial system and the economy would be the first to benefit from any successful review of the constitution. The impending debate on constitutional review will be an important test for Greek political parties and senior cadres. The voters will be watching. The significance of the issue leaves no room for personal or partisan feuding nor for makeshift, superficial initiatives. A dialogue on the constitution warrants a careful study, good will in approaching the different dimensions of the text and a consensual spirit. In the country’s long and difficult struggle for reform and well-being, the constitutional review promoted by the Karamanlis government is a major national cause for all political parties.

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