November 22, 1956

EUROPEAN QUIXOTISM: Geneva, 21 – The founding members of the International Union against Rock and Roll, numbering 173 people from 32 countries, met here on November 18. The session chairman, Swiss psychology professor Dr Julius Bernard, set out the aims of the union and said, among other things: «The old continent of Europe has many reasons to be grateful to its offspring America, which has helped it effectively during many difficult periods of its history. Without American assistance, the civilization created in ancient Greece which later became European civilization might perhaps have died out. However, while America has made many sacrifices in blood and money to save European civilization, it is now embarking on underhanded attacks on it. The most recent of these is the rock and roll dance which can only awaken wild and barbarous instincts in dancers… The International Union against Rock and Roll aims to save European civilization. It will appeal to churches, governments, parliaments, organizations and individuals… until then we must resort to self-defense and beat young Europeans who adopt these barbarous dances and songs from the New World.»

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