July 18, 1958

US MARINES LAND IN LEBANON: London, 16 – Yesterday’s developments in Lebanon, following the landing of US marines in response to civil conflict in the country as well as the ousting of the pro-Western regime in Iraq have provoked a strong statement from the Soviet Union appealing to Washington to withdraw its troops from Lebanon as soon as possible. The statement added that the Soviet government would not stand by and watch while events were unfolding that threatened a region near its borders and that Moscow reserved the right to take the necessary steps in order to safeguard the interests of peace and security. The reply to this Soviet statement came indirectly yesterday at a meeting of the United Nations Security Council in which the US representative said that the US was willing to withdraw its troops as soon as a UN international force had been sent to Lebanon. MINOTIS: The final performances of this year’s Epidaurus Festival were held last weekend at the ancient amphitheater with Sophocles’ tragedy «Oedipus Rex» (Saturday) and «Oedipus at Colonus» (Sunday), directed by and starring the celebrated Alexis Minotis.

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