Prosecutors taking a good step

A petition by the prosecutors’ union for judges and prosecutors to be assigned to high-profile cases of social or political importance in the areas of Athens, Thessaloniki and Piraeus by means of a draw is a very sensible proposal. In these times of intense skepticism toward the institutions of the country and widespread public suspicion of the state apparatus, the justice system has a duty to itself to protect itself with measures that may appear superfluous at first sight. The judiciary must be allowed to do all it can to silence the most mean-spirited of those critics who want to question the processes of the justice system before they have a chance to do so. The proposals put forward by the prosecutors’ union for improving transparency in the halls of justice are a step in in the right direction, and this is because it is clear that for any institution, operating well and properly just simply isn’t enough. Any institution must take every given opportunity to let the public know when it is doing something properly.

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