December 4, 1958

CYPRUS ISSUE: New York, 3 (From our correspondent) – At yesterday’s United Nations debate on the Cyprus issue, Iraq voted against an Indian proposal for the island because of its obligations toward the Turkish government. It is also doubtful whether Tunisia will support it, as it is rumored that it will abstain from the vote. Meanwhile, all kinds of economic and political pressure are being exerted on the Asian states to vote against the Indian plan. The Greek delegation is doing everything it can, but no one expects that it will be able to overcome the combined opposition of Britain, the USA and Turkey. It is expected that Foreign Minister Evangelos Averoff will have to use all his powers of rhetoric and all his strength to wage a monumental battle at this stage of the process. POLLUTION IN ATHENS: Atmospheric pollution in Athens and Piraeus is increasing on a daily basis, mainly due to the dangerous gases emitted by factories and cars. At present, the risks from large-scale industrial pollution are not immediate, but the proximity of certain industries to Athens and Piraeus is becoming a problem due to the migration into the cities from the provinces, expanding the city limits to the point where they are swallowing up the industrial areas.

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