October 6-7, 1952

KOREAN WAR: London, September 30 – According to reports from Tokyo, the Eighth Army announced tonight that the Communists had launched a «decisive» attack across a broad front and that there have been losses on Hill No. 1, a position on the central front, after a battle lasting all of last night. (…) Further to the west, near the Imjin River, UN troops launched another unsuccessful attack on the strategically important «Big Nori» Hill, which Greek troops abandoned on Sunday (September 28) after friendly fire by Allied aircraft. It remains in the hands of the Chinese. NUMBERS, NOT NAMES: In yesterday’s session of Parliament, Messrs Christopoulos and Modis asked what exactly was being done about the murder of Greek soldiers in Korea (by friendly fire). Defense Minister Georgios Mavros said that press reports were exaggerated and that when a report was made, an official announcement would be issued. Mr Panayiotis Kanellopoulos recommended that in future communiques, only the number of those killed should be mentioned, not their names, so that their families would not be embittered by the fact that they had been killed by the Allies and not the enemy. CONTRADICTION: London, 1 – In Seoul, the chief of the Fifth Airborne Division today denied reports that UN aircraft had bombed Greek troops. The statement contradicts the one made last Sunday by the Eighth Army that a Greek officer and four soldiers had been killed in the bombing.

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