
Greek singer Despina Vandi canceled a recent appearance in Cesme in Izmir (once known as Smyrna) because the Turkish flag and a poster of modern Turkey’s founder, Kemal Ataturk, adorned the stage.


18.11.2023 / 21:18

Just as we were saying that Alexis Tsipras has disappeared and as his comrades criticized his silence throughout the storm in SYRIZA caused by the election of Stefanos Kasselakis, the leftist opposition party’s former president turned up again.

16.11.2023 / 22:40

Since 2015, when he came to power with leftist SYRIZA, Alexis Tsipras is said to have maintained a neutral stance twice: The first was when he announced a referendum in June 2015. It was a political decision he made himself. Supposedly, as prime minister, he should have followed a neutral stance. Supposedly. In fact, both […]

09.11.2023 / 23:19

The results of the first opinion poll after the regional and local elections capture the mood of a public that is watching, in real time, the disintegration of the party that is the main opposition and which rose to government in 2015 with promises and commitments that could not be implemented (but even if they […]

29.10.2023 / 10:17

The results of the first opinion poll after the regional and local elections capture the mood of a public that is watching, in real time, the disintegration of the party that is the main opposition and which rose to government in 2015 with promises and commitments that could not be implemented (but even if they […]

26.10.2023 / 22:57

The famous phrase uttered by the late premier and PASOK leader Andreas Papandreou in 1986 when he expelled then-minister Gerasimos Arsenis from the party after a critical speech the latter gave in Karditsa, has gone down in history: “With his actions, Mr Arsenis has removed himself from the party.”

26.10.2023 / 03:08

How is Alexis Tsipras, the former prime minister and SYRIZA leader, truly faring? What is he currently engaged in? What does he think about the developments within SYRIZA?

23.09.2023 / 22:14

In a recent comment, Stefanos Kasselakis referred to his defeated rival for the SYRIZA leadership, Euclid Tsakalotos, by his full name, but to his chief rival in this Sunday’s runoff, Effie Achtsioglou, by her first name only. She’s just Effie to him.

16.09.2023 / 20:17

I wrote the other day about the controversial video uploaded by Stefanos Kasselakis, a candidate for the leadership of the main opposition SYRIZA, of his visit to Makronissos (a small island off the coast of Attica used as a notorious military prison and concentration camp for leftists and communists from the time of the Greek […]

12.09.2023 / 23:21

Greece experienced two extreme events last week: the drowning of Antonis Karyotis at the port of Piraeus due to the actions of three ferry workers, and the unprecedented flooding caused by storm Daniel.

02.09.2023 / 14:05

It’s Saturday, August 26, 5 p.m. Maria T. was driving her daughter, Dimitra S., by car to Fyli, in West Attica.

26.07.2023 / 23:49

There are two types of philanthropy: the kind that is merely a showcase, and the kind that carries real substance. Marianna Vardinoyannis, who passed away on Monday, epitomized the latter category.