Reflections on 1821: A discussion with Mark Mazower

Reflections on 1821: A discussion with Mark Mazower

Under the auspices of the Embassy of Greece in Washington and on the occasion of the bicentennial of the Greek War of Independence, world-renowned historian Mark Mazower, a professor of History at Columbia University, gave an online celebratory lecture co-hosted by the Consulate General of Greece in Boston and College Year in Athens.

Ambassador of Greece in the USA Alexandra Papadopoulou offered the introductory remarks.

Professor Mazower, discussing with Nicolas Prevelakis, assistant cirector of Curricular Development at the Center for Hellenic Studies at Harvard University, explored how the understanding of the Greek uprising has been changed by recent scholarship. He touched upon questions related to national identity, religion, ethnicity, sovereignty, and underlined the international significance of the Greek Revolution and its role in the emergence of nation-states.

To listen to the discussion click here

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