Fifth InvestGR Forum to focus on the new profile of the country

Fifth InvestGR Forum to focus on the new profile of the country

Titled “A New Greece Emerges”, the 5th InvestGR Forum will take place on July 13, 2022 at the Grand Hyatt Hotel in central Athens, its organizers announced on Monday.

The InvestGR Forum: Foreign Investments in Greece ( is organized by Public Affairs and Networks next summer for the fifth consecutive year. The conference deals exclusively with the issue of foreign investment in Greece and the country’s attractiveness as an investment destination.

The title of the fifth version of the forum is meant to reflect the changing landscape in Greece in the aftermath of the decade-long financial crisis and the coronavirus pandemic.

Ernst & Young (EY) Greece and Japan Tobacco International (JTI) Hellas are the Strategic Partners of the InvestGR Forum.

As happens every year at the Forum, the first findings of the research by EY, “Attractiveness Survey: Greece 2022”, will be presented and analyzed, on the subject of the attractiveness of Greece as an investment destination. The research, which is an autonomous part of the broader EY Attractiveness Research – a series of studies carried out by EY worldwide – maps the opinions of the investment community on the strengths and weaknesses of the country as an investment destination. The survey is based on a significant sample of executives of large foreign companies, who either already have an investment presence in Greece or are potential investors.

The findings then serve as the basis for discussion among the forum’s participants, including state officials, market representatives and economy experts from a wide variety of sectors.

The founder of InvestGR Forum, Andreas Yannopoulos, said: “Despite the problems, uncertainties and dangers that always lurk, it seems that the Greek economy is overcoming the effects of the pandemic, recovering dynamically, and may even exceed the forecasts of economic analysts. In other words, a new Greece is emerging and this will be the theme of the 5th InvestGR Forum 2022: A New Greece Emerges. All this encourages us to continue, for the fifth consecutive year, the effort to provide a credible, serious and structured platform for dialogue and exchange of ideas and proposals on the issue of foreign investment in Greece – crucial for the economic development of the country.”

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