What’s at stake in the upcoming midterm elections?

What’s at stake in the upcoming midterm elections?

On Tuesday, November 8th, Americans will be heading to the polls to vote in a midterm election that many anticipate will have an enormous impact on the direction of the US.

While it looked like Democrats may have gained some momentum late this summer, polling shows that Republicans are regaining the edge, meaning the leadership of the House and the Senate is up for grabs.

The outcome of the midterms could also be crucial for Hellenic issues, as a number of Greek-Americans are up for re-election or in key races across the country.

Endy Zemenides, HALC’s Executive Director, joins me to discuss what’s at stake this November.

We look at what these midterms could mean for the Greek-American presence on Capitol Hill and across the country, and how these midterms could impact policy on Greece, Cyprus and the broader Eastern Mediterranean.