Appeals against fines and demolitions on Mykonos

Appeals against fines and demolitions on Mykonos

The first two businesses on Mykonos, Principote and Nammos, which environmental inspectors said violated construction laws have petitioned the Central Council of Urban Planning Issues to stop fining them and demolishing their properties.

Also, on Thursday, the Athens Court of Appeal will hear the application filed by Nammos to “freeze” the fines procedure.

The 10-day deadline given by law for offenders to file an objection to the inspectors’ autopsies expired earlier this week. Kathimerini understands that both companies have filed petitions requesting the annulment of both the demolition (Principote) and the imposition of a fine (Principote and Nammos).

Both claim that some of the structures recorded by the inspectors have been “settled” (i.e. registered on the platform for the legalization of arbitrary structures) and that they will proceed with the demolition of the remaining illegalities themselves.

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