Greece planning air defense system inspired by Israel’s Iron Dome, says minister

Greece planning air defense system inspired by Israel’s Iron Dome, says minister

Greece has plans to develop an air defense system akin to Israel’s sophisticated Iron Dome, aimed at safeguarding the country against airborne threats, Defense Minister Nikos Dendias told Skai TV Wednesday.

Discussing Israel’s recent use of the Iron Dome missile-defense system to bloc Iran’s mass drone and missile attack on Israeli territory, Dendias said, “The nation must shield itself… Examining the conflict in Ukraine, we have concluded that it is imperative to construct an anti-aircraft and anti-drone dome.”

“We didn’t anticipate it early enough. The innovation system, excluding small businesses, failed to properly evaluate the situation, so we need to make up for lost time,” he said, acknowledging that Turkey has already made progress in that direction.

Dendias admitted that developing such infrastructure will be time-consuming, adding that there is a budget allocation earmarked for this purpose in the 2030 agenda.

The Iron Dome is the bottom layer of Israel’s missile defense. Developed by Israel with US backing, it specializes in shooting down short-range rockets. Israel says it has a success rate of over 90 percent.

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